From the theory of educational psychology, moderate gamification of educational methods is also reasonable. And the addition of game elements or methods meets the needs of autonomy and relevance, which are lacking in traditional education, as well as the needs of students to gain love and self-esteem. All of these can help students to transform the external motivation of learning into internal motivation. If positive attribution guidance can also be added, it may also improve students’ self-confidence and sense of efficacy.
However, gamification of education is by not means a simple application of game methods to teaching methods, because a large number of educational institutions outside the school and the emerging online education products are more abundant in the use of encouragement and incentive methods.
At present, hundreds of millions of dollars of investment have been gathered around traditional schools, and a large number of educational products are constantly trying to leverage this market. It’s easy to overgamify a product in a hurry to get it to market. However, the lifeline of educational products is still the quality of education. When the learning effect cannot be reflected, it will face the dilemma of further development. As long as this “offensive” does not retreat, they will gradually infiltrate the walls of public schools and have a more transformative impact on the traditional school education. So, I think the control of gamification is likely to become one of the core competencies of a product.
lyk19960221 2021-06-24
Hi Yan
I am surprised that you can look at the issue of gamification from the perspective of educational psychology. At the same time, you also effectively summarized the positive impact of teaching gamification and the bottleneck of future development. In particular, you also mentioned the control of gamification. Can you give me a detailed example?
Best wishes
patrickg14 2021-06-24
Hi Yankong,
I agree with your opinion on game-based learning. I think game-based learning is the future trend, especially when using it in children’s education. It can build their coperational ability and increase their learning interest. I am a huge fan of it and I will certainly apply it to my teaching method if I were a teacher. Great post!